Michele Lee

Michele Lee
I started running when I was 41 years old. I couldn’t even run a mile. I started with a Couch to 5K training plan. I did 5Ks and 10Ks in 2016. The following year, I signed up for a half marathon and a marathon. I fell in love with running immediately from my first 5K. I was so surprised that I ran 3.1 miles without stopping to walk. I love the challenge of seeing how fast and/or far I can run, discovering new, beautiful places through running, how great running makes me feel, and meeting amazing running friends so I signed up for everything!

6 ⭐ Abbott WMM finisher (2018-2023)
Boston Marathon Finisher x 2
Currently, training for my first 100 Miler.

Loves traveling, cooking, eating, baseball, running roads and trails, & signing up for too many races.
